Restaurant De Hoofdtoren

The most characteristic and recognizable building in Hoorn

The most characteristic and recognizable building in Hoorn is the Hoofdtoren. Whoever enters the port of Hoorn immediately sees this impressive building. Also visitors who explore the port area on foot or by bicycle will not miss the tower. The Hoofdtoren restaurant of the same name is located in the historic building. The ambiance alone makes it a special experience, but the kitchen also has a good name.
The Hoofdtoren is located next to the Buitenhaven port and on the side of the building you can find the famous statue of the Boys of the Bontekoe. In the summer you can relax on the front terrace, where you can enjoy a delicious High Wine or High Champagne.

Hoofd 2

1621 AM Hoorn

Telephone number: +31 229-215487

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